Home Makeover is a reality television series providing home improvements for less fortunate families. The show is hosted by Ana Praznik, a former band singer and a well-known radio host. Home Makeover is being produced by Videostroj, and broadcasted on POP TV in Slovenia. Each episode features a family that has faced some sort of recent or ongoing hardship such as a natural disaster or a family member with a life-threatening illness, in need of new hope. The shows producers coordinate with a local construction contractor, which then coordinates with various companies in the building trades for a makeover of the familys home. This includes interior, exterior and landscaping, performed in five days while the family is moved to another location.
This show displays extreme changes to help recreate someones living space, and, consequently, their lives. Home Makeover is more than just renovating a house – its a show that gives people a new home, which brings back hope for the existence of nobility and common efforts that can change someones life for better. This combination of beautiful emotions and dedicated work in house renovation, resulted in very high ratings of Home Makeover’s first season.